
This is cancer.

This is 19 months. Fighting hard for his life since 6.5 months old.

This is the real heartbreak that we take on in support of our sweet Kai. That he shoulders like a true warrior.

This is the second craniotomy with tumor removal in a year.

This is the 4th time we’ve cut into his head and body (EVD/Port & Shunt)

This is the millionth MRI with sedation and contrast (the contrast & sedation have their own host of side effects)

This is a year of chemotherapy.

This is constant worry, research, moving, digging in with the experts, leaning heavily on great nursing staff, learning more about our VERY broken healthcare system than we ever imagined.

This is learning how very little funding is given to our children to help understand and fight different types of childhood cancers.

This is a dedicated father, working hard & solo for his family to allow mom to take on Kais fight full time.

This is a super strong, super smart, super kind kid who gives love, laughter and smiles to everyone he meets.

Kid doesn’t understand personal space or COVID and will go cuddle any stranger that will have him, always!

This is a nightmare rollercoaster that no one deserves to be on. Not Kai, not our family, not any family.

This is a post to say thank you to the community who continues to lift us up with kind words, selfless extensions of help, donations, gifts…you name it.

We can’t tell you how much it helps. We often feel alone in this, but you all remind us how we are not alone and we are so supported.

We will keep fighting. We will keep fighting.

We will keep fighting.

One love.

Be kind and hug your loves. Hard.

#keepfightingforkai #morethan4 #fightlikeourkids #fuckcancer #atrtwarrior #onelove #bekind #livebig


Another surgery, Now what?


January 2022 Part 2