Finding Strength in Adversity

Life can be so beautiful and so painful. Complete heartbreak.

We've spent 24 hours crying non-stop, holding each other through waves of emotions - sadness, anger, and uncertainty. Our beloved Kai, who has already fought this beast twice, faces this battle once more. The news from our medical team is never easy to digest. No cure. Just time.

But here's the thing: Kai has defied the odds before. At 7 months old, he underwent tumor removal surgery, and at 1 year old, those tumors returned, along with more. With unwavering support from our incredible community and 11 months of treatment, we've come so far.

Yet, here we are again, waiting for the tumor board's decision. We know the options will be limited, with no guaranteed cure in sight. We are in this perpetual cycle of hope and despair, where hope carries us until it fades away.

The pain is unimaginable. The shock slowly wears off as reality sets in. Kai is here, right now, but we are haunted by the inevitable. It's a day-by-day battle, a sudden shift from living and loving to survival mode.

Logistics will come into play, decisions we never wanted to make. Travel, separation – whatever it takes. We'll do what's best for Kai, for Cruz, for our family.

This is Kai's third round fighting these relentless tumors. It's our family's third time holding our breath, trying to keep them at bay long enough to be a family. Cruz's plea not to let Kai die echoes in our hearts.

Through it all, Chasen and I hold each other, our love unwavering, our anger at the situation matched only by our support for one another.

Our family and friends have showered us with love and support, and we are profoundly grateful. We promise to respond to your messages when we can.

Tuesday marks the tumor board meeting, and Wednesday holds appointments to discuss our next fight. Crushed. Devastated. Yet, we haven't found our strength just yet, but rest assured, we will. We have no other choice.

Together, we'll navigate this storm, cherishing every moment, and finding hope in the darkest of times. #FamilyStrong #OneLove #LoveConquersAll


Holiday pain & joy


Kai turned 3!