Kai is thriving, mostly.

Happy Holidays to this incredible community! You've helped support us through the hardest 21 months of our lives and we can never, never thank you enough. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you for holding us up.

As we navigate our new normal (and hope it lasts for a very long time) we keep these generous funds to pay for Kai's many MRI's/hospital infusions of medicine he still must take to protect him from the sicknesses that the chemotherapy has stripped him of the ability to fight himself, his monthly cannabis treatment, which is costly, but we believe is serving him (pain, sleep, appetite, calming the fussiness that comes with having a cancer kiddo, etc etc) and WE think it's helping to keep the cancer away (!!!) gosh do I wish the FDA would start studies...if anyone out there knows Bezos, Musk, Branson, a Kardashian, any other billionaire who is bored and wants something to do... ask them to call me, we need more pediatric cancer research funding!! (no, really-can we rally to find contacts here??)

Kai is thriving, mostly, and I’ll take that. He is walking!!!! He is in the first stages, but working so hard to continue to defy the odds. His posterior fossa syndrome has taken a toll, but he fights as he has always done. The lasting effects of chemotherapy and radiation are no joke, but he mainly has pretty good days. A few not-so-great ones sprinkled in. As long as his brother is around, all is right with the world!

Oh sweet boy. You are everything. We all love you so much. Watching you get stronger each day, after fighting so hard, for so long, is such a privilege. I hope so very much for you. Just like any other parent, our journey has been marked by a terrifying uphill climb. At times we have fallen into the depths and clawed our way back to the surface. Too many times. We’ve held on for dear life and said no to everyone who said we had a small chance at survival. Of course, when I say we, you’ve done the hardest work. But my heart and soul have shattered into the tiniest of pieces, and are trying to repair from watching you constantly suffer so.

And now, we get some precious time. It’s what we are all gifted. We get some time without hospitals and nasty medicine and pokes and screams. Without constant terror.

The weight is still extraordinarily heavy. But for the small reprieve, I’m beyond grateful each day we awaken and you kiss my face all over, bright and early.

I’m tired. Life has beaten me down a bit more than I like, but then you smile and all is right with the world.

No matter where our journey goes from here, we have each other and this perfect time together.

You are pure sunshine, my love.

Everyone should know your love.

Thank you for choosing me.

#onelove #atrt #childhoodcancer #morethan4 #kaideservesbetter #livebig #bekind


Our strong little man
